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CENTREAU HEBD'EAU | Assessment of climate change impacts on flows in large ungauged basins using a multi-model ensemble approach: Application to the northern sub-basin of the Congo River basin

CentrEau invites you to this 73nd webinar of the Hebd'Eau series entitled "Assessment of climate change impacts on flows in large ungauged basins using a multi-model ensemble approach: Application to the northern sub-basin of the Congo River basin" by Salomon Salumu Zahera


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Salomon holds an engineering degree in civil engineering obtained in Congo, a Postgraduate Diploma in hydraulics engineering obtained in Cairo, Egypt and a Master's degree in Water Science and Engineering specialization Hydroinformatics obtained in Delft, the Netherlands.  In addition to having been closely involved for many years in teaching, research, community service and consulting, he is currently preparing his doctorate at Polytechnique Montréal under the supervision of Professors Musandji Fuamba and Elmira Hassanzadeh. His doctoral research focuses on river infrastructure measures in the context of climate change.

See PPT presentation here »


Climate change and its impact on water resources are attracting particular attention due to their environmental and socio-economic implications. Rising global average temperatures are altering regional water balances, precipitation and evapotranspiration patterns projected in future scenarios. These modifications have a considerable impact on hydrological systems. A better assessment of the sensitivity of these systems to climate change is crucial for designing effective water management policies and adaptation strategies.

Hydrological models are an important link in the simulation of climate projections. However, the problem is particularly acute when these models are used in ungauged basins. This webinar aims to fill this knowledge gap by using the new NEX-GDDP dataset to drive two hydrological models, HEC-HMS and GR4J. The Granger-Ramanathan (GRC) algorithm is used to develop multi-model ensemble projections to manage uncertainty arising from General Circulation Models (GCMs).

The presentation will be in French