Events & News

CentrEau Lunch & Learn: Assessment of the quality of drinking water in Québec

09 June 2017

This presentation will focus on the content of the 2010-2014 Québec Drinking Water Quality Assessment recently published by the Ministry of Sustainable Development, the Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change (MDDELCC).

Title: Highlights of the 2010-2014 Drinking Water Quality Assessment

Cost: free

Time: 12 h

Location: Pavillon Gene-H.-Kruger, room 2320, Université Laval, Québec (Québec)

Speaker: Anouka Bolduc, Biologist, Toxicology Specialist, Drinking Water and Groundwater Branch, MDDELCC


Voir la présentation en PDF.

This conference is a presentation of CentrEau and the Chaire de recherche en eau potable de l'Université LavalThe presentation will be given in French.

This presentation will focus on the content of the 2010-2014 Québec Drinking Water Quality Assessment recently published by the Ministry of Sustainable Development, the Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change (MDDELCC). This report is a compilation of all the data relating to the quality of drinking water available to the Ministry. This data comes from both the quality monitoring carried out under the Drinking Water Quality Regulationand the specific monitoring carried out by the Department under the Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Program.

The Midi-conférences CentrEau are monthly lectures on various themes about water that are open to the entire university community and the general public.

Thie event is held during the St. Lawrence Week.


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