Events & News

CentrEau Lunch & Learn: Hydration | Myths and Realities

Speaker: Dr. Éric Goulet, Director of the Research Laboratory on Performance, Hydration and Thermoregulation, Université de Sherbrooke.

Organized with VisezEAU, CentrEau et the Chaire de recherche CRSNG en eau potable, and the Axe Santé des populations et pratiques optimales en santé du CHU de Québec.


There are probably few fields of research where so many myths remain and persist over time, despite scientific evidence proving otherwise. Are we really dehydrated when we are thirsty? Are we really dehydrated when we produce dark colored urine? Can we trust the perception of thirst during exercise to optimize our performance? I suffered heat stroke, so I had to be dehydrated. These allusions tell you something? Well, Dr. Eric Goulet, Ph.D., director of the Laboratory of Performance Research, Hydration and Thermoregulation, Hydration Specialist and Associate Professor at the Université de Sherbrooke, will shed light on this lecture on some of the most persistent myths in the world of hydration that few dare to dispute the foundation.