Events & News

CentrEau Weekly Webinar: Brexit & Water

Fifth webinar of the series entitled "Brexit: Will the UK return to being the "Dirty Old Man" of Europe - transnational environmental regulation in the UK"

Speaker:  Simon Tait, professor of Water Engineering, U. of Sheffield (UK)

Language:English, with slides in English

Summary: In the 70' the UK had the reputation of being the "Dirty Old Man" of Europe, with a failing economy and many urban areas suffering economic and social decline, the protection of the environment was given little priority. During the late 70's and 80's "acid rain" raised awareness throughout western Europe of the transnational nature of environmental pollution and this combined with an emerging green activism led to new Europe wide legislation to protect the natural environment. This webinar will examine the development of EU legislation to regulate urban drainage and wastewater systems and how this regulation has been implemented and developed with time. In the UK context the concept of EU wide Directives, the development of natural regulations and how we have compared against our European partners (or competitors) will be examined. Some potential views of the future will also be examined as the UK leaves the EU and returns to a more independent pathway as regards the regulation of urban drainage and wastewater systems and how the environment will be protected.

PDF presentation »

New series of weekly CentrEau webinars "all about water management". These short 20-minute presentations will be offered live every Thursday at 1 p.m. followed by a short discussion period. CentrEau professors and researchers, as well as guest speakers, will present their research work and its importance in a semi-popularized manner.

Watch the previous webinars on our YouTube Channel!