Events & News

CentrEau Weekly Webinar: Management and monitoring of drinking water quality

Eleventh webinar of the series on the new research program of the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Management and Surveillance of Drinking Water Quality from the Watershed to the Citizen's Tap

Speaker: Prof. Manuel Rodriguez, Université Laval, regular member of CentrEau, chairholder of the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Management and Surveillance of Drinking Water Quality 

Language: French, with slides in French

Summary: Sustainable and smart management of the quality of drinking water requires innovative, efficient and easily transferable approaches. The renewal of the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Management and Surveillance of Drinking Water Quality at Université Laval will contribute to the development of knowledge and decision-making tools to protect and sustainably manage the water resource between the watershed and the tap of the citizen. Through its diverse research program and the participation of collaborators from different fields, the Chair represents an example of applied transdisciplinary research. In collaboration with five partner organizations, the Chair will focus on the following themes: source protection in the context of climate change, the presence and variability of emerging contaminants in water, management of residual disinfectants and by-products of disinfection, the development of indicators for space-time monitoring of the chemical and microbiological quality of water, and the development of smart decision support tools for the management and monitoring of the quality of water.

New series of weekly CentrEau webinars "all about water management". These short 20-minute presentations will be offered live every Thursday at 1 p.m. followed by a short discussion period. CentrEau professors and researchers, as well as guest speakers, will present their research work and its importance in a semi-popularized manner. Watch the previous webinars on our YouTube Channel!