Events & News

CentrEau Weekly Webinar: Water Quality Issues of the St. Lawrence River

To mark Science Literacy Week, i collaboration with G3E, CentrEau presents the 21st webinar in its CentrEau Hebd'Eau webinar series entitled "Board the Lampsilis research boat and explore the health of the St.Lawrence River".

Speaker: Prof. François Guillemette, UQTR 

Language: French with slides in French

Summary: The Quebec population identifies with and uses the St. Lawrence river for food, transport, recreation and culture, but in turn significantly modifies the sustainability of its ecological services. For example, the acceleration of human impacts in recent decades has depleted some economically important fish stocks, destroyed wetland habitats, degraded water quality and accelerated invasions of unwanted species. However, at the local and regional levels, these impacts vary in nature and intensity due to the complex hydrology of the St. Lawrence and the presence of different sources of pollution (urban and agricultural) along the river. Embark aboard the research boat Lampsilis during this conference, to discover the fragile nature of the river and the most recent research results concerning its health.

See the presentation in PDF »

Part of the series of weekly CentrEau webinars "all about water management". These short 20-minute presentations will be offered live every Thursday at 1 p.m. followed by a short discussion period. CentrEau professors and researchers, as well as guest speakers, will present their research work and its importance in a semi-popularized manner. Watch the previous webinars on our YouTube Channel!