Events & News

CentrEau's SNOW workshop

CentrEau invites you to its SNOW workshop that will be held on May 13-14, 2021!

Moderators: Daniel Nadeau and Sylvain Jutras

Speakers: Julie Thériault (UQÀM), Sylvain Jutras (ULaval), Richard Fernandes (RN Can), Alexandre Vidal (Hydro Québec), Richard Turcotte and Pierre-Yves St-Louis (MELCC), Marie-Amélie Boucher (UdeS) Daniel Nadeau (ULaval), François Anctil and Gonzalo Leonardini (ULaval), Vincent Vionnet (ECCC), Richard Arsenault (ÉTS), Alain Rousseau (INRS), Mélanie Trudel (UdeS)

Full program (in French) »

Summary: This thematic workshop on snow aims to bring together researchers from the academic world and the public and private sectors to share their snow-related activities. The objective is to allow everyone to learn about the work and expertise of other teams, but also to discuss the progress, challenges and future of snow research in Quebec.

Each presenter is invited to give an overview of the work of his or her team, but also to share his or her point of view on future issues and perspectives in snow-related research. There will be time for discussion to allow for exchange and to encourage collective reflection. The topics covered will be multiple and will touch on many aspects such as solid precipitation, snow on the ground, measuring instruments, remote sensing, modelling, forecasting....

The SNOW workshop is open to everyone, but oral presentations are on invitation only. Regular members of CentrEau who are active in the field of snow are particularly welcome to this event.

A certificate of participation can be provided upon request.