Events & News

Information session for students writing thesis and dissertation

04 May 2016

CentrEau invites graduate students who have completed at least one year of schooling in their study path to participate in an information session on the rules for the physical presentation of the dissertation and thesis.

Cost: free

Time: 14h00 - 15h00

Location: COP-2165

Speaker: Koassi D'Almeida et Pierre Lasou


CentrEau invites graduate students who have completed at least one year of schooling in their study path to participate in an information session on the rules for the physical presentation of the dissertation and thesis.

The purpose of this activity, organized in collaboration with the Library and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FESP), is to inform students of the electronic deposit rules in force at Laval University and the numerous tools and resources at their disposal for writing the dissertation or thesis.

Keynote Speaker: Koassi D'Almeida, Research and Planning Officer, FESP
Contributing Speaker: Pierre Lasou, Librarian Consultant