Laboratories CREDEAU
Polytechnique Montréal, École de technologie supérieure, Université de Montréal
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At Polytechnique Montréal, the FCI-MELS grant has enabled the construction of analysis spaces, test wells, a Level 2 room for work on pathogenic organisms, fixed pilot installations, cold rooms and temperature controlled rooms, analytical chemistry, microbiology and environmental engineering rooms, and test halls, for an area of 800 m2 approximately. These spaces are dedicated to drinking water and wastewater treatment projects and complement existing facilities. Two laboratories for treating pulp and paper sludge by bio-drying are also used by CREDEAU researchers. The facilities available at the École de Technologie Supérieure, for a total area of approximately 800 m2, include a pilot hall for large-scale studies, an instrumentation laboratory and a wet laboratory for analysis, a microbiology laboratory, physics and weighing, a controlled environmental chamber to simulate seasonal conditions and a clean room for research in biotechnology and nanotechnology. A product and process design laboratory was built at the Université de Montréal at the André-Aisenstadt Pavilion in 2014. The computerized laboratory is equipped with the BALAS process simulation software to obtain off-site real time. A phytotechnology research infrastructure was also installed at the Montréal Botanical Garden in 2016. It will be used for phytotechnology work carried out by the Université de Montréal research team to develop water treatment processes. waste and sludge with plants.